Paid Family Leave: What are you really paying for?
The Democrats’ Paid Family Leave plan is gaining momentum at the legislature and a newly released fiscal note reveals what it will cost: $1 billion!

Walz Proposes 160% Tax on New Car Tab Fees
Minnesotans are already pinching their budgets in response to record high inflation and instead of giving families needed relief, Gov. Walz wants to charge you an arm and a leg for car tabs.

DFL Proposes 27% Increase in State Budget
Has your budget increased by 27%? Given our economic state, it’s safe to say probably not. So why do Democrats get to increase theirs?

St. Paul Senator Proposes Basic Income Plan
A bill introduced by DFL Senator Omar Fateh would provide eligible Minnesotans with monthly income payments ranging from $350 to $1,200.

Paid leave needed, but Minnesota's proposal rife with shortcomings
Current paid-family-leave legislation in St. Paul has some serious shortcomings. If it were to pass, there would be negative consequences for small businesses, employees, and consumers.

With Crime on the Rise, MN Democrats’ Solution? End Cash Bail
Anyone who has been paying attention to the news over the last few years knows crime has been a growing problem in the Twin Cities. In fact, there’s been some movement on catalytic converter thefts.

A Tale of Two Surpluses: How Iowa and Minnesota’s Handling of Their State Budgets are Propelling Them in Opposite Directions
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” Those words were written by Charles Dickens almost 200 years ago, but it accurately describes what residents in Minnesota and Iowa are going through as they watch their state legislatures act on their behalf.

More government, more picking winners and losers? Not the way to a better Minnesota
At a time when eggs cost more than a gallon of gas, families are struggling to pay their bills and put food on the table, you’d assume Democrats would offer relief for Minnesota families. Instead, we’re debating how big they’ll grow the government and how much they’ll raise our taxes.

Melvin Carter’s Universal Basic Income Dream May Be the Democrats’ New Reality
A few weeks ago, when asking just how far Minnesota Democrats would go to push their agenda, we highlighted Mayor Melvin Carter’s universal basic income experiment and his hope that it would grow into a statewide or national program.

With a $19B Surplus, It’s Time to Take the GOP’s Tax Cuts Seriously
It may be hard to fathom that just last week, the state announced a new surplus of $19 billion. Yet, despite the abundance of overtaxed funds currently sitting in Minnesota’s coffers, the DFL is fighting calls to give that money back.

Meet the Winners and Losers in the Fight for Paid Family Leave
Passing legislation shouldn’t result in winners and losers. However, with Minnesota Democrats in charge of the one-sided conversation on Paid Family Leave, it’s only a matter of time before the winners and losers are determined.

Democrats Divided on Ending the Tax on Social Security Benefits
It’s been less than a year since Democrats used the position of eliminating the tax on Social Security benefits as a cornerstone of their campaigns. However, the prospects of a narrow majority had Governor Tim Walz and House and Senate leadership changing their tune on the policy, flip-flopping on the tax elimination and putting many swing district Democrats in an uncomfortable position.

Wisconsin’s Biggest Economic Supporters? The MN DFL
Whether you’re a sports fan or have state pride, the rivalry between Minnesota and Wisconsin has existed for generations. However, there’s a surprising group of Minnesotans who have secretly been supporting our rival state – Minnesota Democrats.

Minnesota Democrats Ignore Bipartisan Alcohol Legislation in Favor of Personal Agenda
If you have ever needed a prime example of what the Democrats’ true priorities look like, then look no further than legislation around alcohol.

Democrats Poised to Flip Flop on Key Campaign Promise: Ending the Tax on Social Security Benefits
Amid the thousand plus pieces of legislation introduced this cycle, Democrats have refused to make any headway with one specific campaign promise: eliminating the tax on social security benefits.

Why Democrats Should Heed the Latest Snowstorm in Fight to Cancel Gas Snow Blowers
A future without snowblowers could soon become our reality here in Minnesota.

While Minnesota’s Budget Goes Up, Your Paychecks Shrink
How can the surplus increase when it’s essentially the same as it was from the November forecast?

Are Democrats Trying to Force Minnesotans Off the Road?
If they’re targeting gas-powered lawn tools and natural gas appliances, what’s to stop them from coming after your car, truck, or SUV? Nothing.

Say Good-Bye to John Deere
Minnesotans are experiencing the dreaded second winter, but it means we’re one step closer to spring, pulling out the New Balance dad sneakers (you know the one), and priming up the lawn mower.

A Lesson In Moderation: How Oregon and Washington State’s Paid Family Leave Programs Highlight Minnesota Democrats’ Failure in Progress
Don’t get us wrong, ensuring families have time off for life’s biggest moments is important. Unfortunately, rather than focusing on a mutually beneficial program that keeps small businesses and families in mind, Democrats have proposed one of the most extreme Paid Family Leave Programs in the country.