One of the Biggest Lies Ever Told
State Democrats are definitely deceiving Minnesotans, parading around and telling everyone they achieved the “biggest tax cut in state history” this legislative session. Nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is that Democrats are raising your taxes by almost $10 billion, at a time when the government already has a $19 billion budget surplus. Taxes and government spending are exponentially increasing with no end in sight.
HOW can the DFL tell such a lie? We cannot even begin to understand their logic with this. The real fact of the matter is that Democrats are raising taxes pretty much across the board. Earlier in the session, they even admitted they were finding “new, creative” ways to take more of your money!
By the end of the session, Democrats had such a long list of tax hikes that one of their colleagues called out her own party. Senator Ann Rest says her party seems to have “an insatiable appetite for raising taxes.”
“An insatiable appetite” is putting it lightly. The DFL can try to sugar coat it as much as they want, but the truth is that the Democrats decided to raise taxes on Minnesota families at a time of high inflation and when the state already has a $19 billion surplus. When you increase government spending by $20 billion, of course, you have to raise taxes. Where else are they going to get that money? Democrats are naive to think that Minnesotans will not be negatively impacted by their irresponsible actions this session.
Minnesota Democrats are NOT enacting the biggest tax cut in history. They ARE enacting almost $10 billion in tax increases on top of the $19 billion surplus. To say otherwise is a straight-up lie. Perhaps some legislators should spend some time this summer reviewing Econ 101!