More Broken Promises
Governor Tim Walz has broken his promise to Minnesota families. Our state has (well, had, since Democrats spent it) a record-breaking budget of $19 billion. While Gov. Walz refused to give it all back, he did tell Minnesotans he would give some of it back.
Back in January, at the beginning of the session, our Governor said that he would give $1,000 to each taxpayer and $2,000 to families. He even coined the term “Walz Checks” and campaigned on it (the below tweet has now been deleted).
Now that session’s over, how did those “Walz Check” turn out?
Individual taxpayers will get $260 and married couples $520. This is quite the bait and switch from Governor Walz and his fellow Democrats.
If Democrats gave back all of the $19 billion surplus, each taxpayer would get more than $6,500. Imagine that money in your bank account. That’s your money and Walz and his fellow Democrats believe you only deserve $260 of it back. In this economy that is barely enough to fix your car or buy groceries for your family..
Minnesota families were not a priority to Democrats this legislative session. They cared more about passing the most radical agenda this state has ever seen and raising taxes to do it than providing real relief. We hope that voters remember this the next time they go to the ballot box.