Money-Hungry MN Democrats Blow Through $19 Billion Surplus, Raise Taxes

Minnesota’s legislative session wrapped up last week after Democrats sprinted to the finish line to get done in time. And what a finish it was. Last-minute deals included a metro sales tax hike, a delivery fee (once thought to be dead), and many more expensive, bad ideas that are undoubtedly embedded into the whopping 75 total bills passed through the House and Senate. Democrats have grown government larger than it has ever been and leave us asking ourselves: what will be enough? 

With a $19 billion surplus, there was zero reason to raise taxes and fees by more than $10 billion, but here we are. Here are the ways Democrats are coming for more of your money:

  • 1% Metro sales tax increase

  • Gas tax increase

  • $0.50 delivery fee on packages over $100

  • Vehicle sales tax increase

  • Car tab fee increase

  • Payroll tax

It’s despicable that Democrats would inflict more harm on Minnesota families who are already dealing with record inflation and a shaky economy. Not one of the 75 bills passed provides true relief for families. A tax break does not equal a tax cut. It wasn’t enough that they already had a $19 billion surplus of taxpayer money, they want more and more. Honestly, where does it end? If Democrats will not cut taxes with a record-breaking surplus, when will they?!


Did Your Budget Increase by 38%?!


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