DFL Priorities: Bikes Before Children and Families

Minnesota Democrats squashed the $19 billion surplus and raised taxes by over $10 billion, but they claim that they’ve enacted the largest tax cut in state history. It makes no sense how they can say this, but they claim it’s because of the massive tax credits passed. News flash to Democrats: a tax credit is not a tax cut.

In the transportation omnibus bill passed last session, Minnesotans can get either 75% or up to $1,500 for the price of an electric bike, but the maximum amount they can get for their child is $1,750. Can someone tell the Democrats that it costs so much more to raise a child than to ride a bike?

And the child tax credit doesn’t even apply to everyone, if you fall under certain groups you can be phased out of receiving benefits altogether. If you’re middle-class, you get no help at all. If you’re married, the income cut-off is lowered, even if that family is struggling.

And can you guess who pays those taxes in the first place? You! Someone needs to educate Democrats on the difference between a tax credit and a tax cut. A tax credit is a redistribution of already paid-in tax dollars, while a tax cut reduces the tax burden across the board. Tax cuts provide immediate, targeted relief and would be an incredibly easy way for Democrats to help Minnesota families. Unfortunately, Democrats’ priorities lie in unsustainably growing government and they need more of your money to do that!

Gov. Tim Waltz and his Democrat colleagues’ priorities are way out of whack. They pat themselves on the back for raising your taxes and making Minnesota families pay for bikes, backpacks, and shiny clothes. We would like to thank his Democrat colleagues for making it easier for us when it comes to the 2024 election because Minnesota residents won’t forget this one any time soon.


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