Your Taxes Are Going Up - Here’s How

Minnesotans - don’t shoot the messenger, but your taxes and fees are going up. State Democrats had a $19 billion budget surplus and instead of giving it back to taxpayers, they decided to go and raise taxes by $10 billion. How ridiculous is that?!

The answer is very. It’s very ridiculous to squeeze Minnesotans even more at a time of high inflation. Families need relief during these trying times, but unfortunately, that is not a priority to Democrats.

Here are the tax and fee increases Democrats passed this past legislative session.

  • Vehicle Tab & Tax Increase: 66%

  • Boat Registration Fee: + 143%

  • Drivers License Fee Increase: + $6.00

  • Fishing License Increase: + $5.00

  • State Park Fee Increase: + $13.00

  • Sales Tax Increase #1: + 0.25%

  • Sales Tax Increase #2: +0.75%

  • Payroll Tax increase: + 0.60%

  • Cannabis Tax: + 10%

  • Delivery Fee Increase: + $0.50

  • Gas Tax: + $0.05

With a record-breaking budget surplus of $19 billion, there is clearly no pressing need to increase taxes. Raising taxes by $10 billion at a time of high inflation nonetheless is undeniably irresponsible!

As you go about your life and see and feel these tax increases, remember - Minnesota Democrats are responsible and if they could, they would take even more.


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